2024 Hunts
Hunt Details
Hunt prices include meals, lodging, guide, stands, transportation to and from, no hidden fees.
Everything except a license and tag included.
Our friendly out of state licensing policy, and our quality management make this one of the best hunt packages you can find.
If you'd like to spend the final hunt night with us, it is free, so you can be well rested when you travel back home.
50% Deposit Due when booking - Balance due upon arrival
Deposits Non-Refundable
Non-Resident License $140
Non-Resident Youth License $10
Non-Resident Deer Permit $160 ( one buck and one doe )
Non-Resident Youth Deer Permit $15
$800.00 fine for taking buck less than 15" spread.
Purchase Licenses and Permits here.
Oct 19th and 20th --> Muzzle 1 ($1200.00)
Open Dates Available-Contact Us.
Nov 1-4 --> Bow hunt ($1800.00)
Open Dates Available-Contact Us.
Nov 9th - 11th, 12th --> Rifle 1 ($2000.00)
Open Dates Available-Contact Us.
Nov 16-18th --> Rifle 2 ($1800.00)
Open Dates Available-Contact Us.
Dec 14th - 16th --> Muzzle 2 ($1200.00)
Open Dates Available-Contact Us.